Starting Over

Moving on from the past

Kayla Peart
Idyllic Journal


Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

The ghosts of my past live here.

My journey began four years ago, hoping to make my dream of writing professionally a reality. I didn’t know what to expect; I let the pixel winds guide me where they may — and boy, they took me to strange depths.

I lost and found myself constantly. I lost myself for the final time when my long-term relationship ended, and my world halted. Everything I thought I wanted was lies concocted by a version of myself I thought to be but wasn’t.

I eventually shed the skin of my false self, asking where I want to go. Where do I want to end up? Who do I want to be? Those questions played on repeat, and some days I had answers, sometimes they changed, sometimes they didn’t. And on my worst days, I wondered why I questioned anything at all.

Now in the present, I find myself making connections to the past. It reached its hand out to me in my dreams, and I took it willingly. Show me what you must, I told it.

It showed me horrible nightmares of being out of control, of barely holding myself together. It showed me beautiful visages as if he had never left. I don’t exactly know what it all means, but the feelings they leave me with tell me to press forward, to carve a path of my own — to not let others decide the direction.

So here I am. Making peace with the past, saying hi to my younger, naive, curious self while leaving her in her world; I can’t bring her into this new one. I shall listen to her memories and smile as she reminisces, but I won’t return to a place I no longer belong in, nor would I want to after discovering the pearls of my soul.

So here I am. As me, for me, doing things my way.


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Kayla Peart
Idyllic Journal

Wandering through life and wondering about it. Storyteller & poet. Subscribe today for a bit of brightness in your inbox: